Al-Amini’s Response to the Sunni View

Previously, in our meaning of mawla article, we have provided the Sunni interpretations of the correct definition of the term. In this brief article, we will be taking a look at Al-Amini’s responses to the two Sunni interpretations. Al-Amini’s Response to Mawla Meaning...
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Did Sunni Scholars Agree with the Shia Interpretation?

Background On pages 679-690, Al-Amini provides a list of scholars and statements by them that affirm the Shia understanding that the meaning of Hadith Al-Ghadir is an appointment of Ali. The names include, Ibn Zulaaq, Al-Wahidi, Al-Ghazali, Sibt Ibn Al-Jawzi, Al-Kanji,...
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Al-Amini’s Evidences for the Shia Understanding

Background According to the view of Al-Amini, the meaning of the term mawla means “one who has more of a right.” Al-Amini suggests that “one who has more of a right” is evidence of the appointment of Ali as a successor, since that would imply that Ali is more rightful of the...
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Fasting on the Day of Ghadir

The act of fasting of the day of Ghadir is based on a narration that has been attributed to Abu Huraira, in which he states that “Whosoever fasts the eighteenth of Thi Al-Hijjah, he will receive the deeds of fasting sixty months, and it is the Day of Ghadir, when the Prophet...
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Ali Curses those that Withhold Ghadir Testimony

One of the forms of narrations that Al-Amini quotes in his Kitab Al-Ghadir are narrations in which he asks the Companions to admit that they heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) say, “Whosoever I am his mawla then Ali is his mawla.” In these narrations, the Companions claim that...
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Did Ali use Ghadir Khumm as Evidence for his Imamate?

Background One of the main evidences that Sunnis have always used in order to prove that the events at Ghadir Khumm had nothing to do with a designation of Ali is that Ali himself never used the event as evidence for his rule. In response to this, Al-Amini lists out narrations...
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Coronation of Ali at Ghadir Khumm

The narration of the coronation of Ali bin Abi Talib at Al-Ghadir is an addition that is less known. Crowns were not common in the Arabian heartlands, and therefore, turbans were seen in some cases as crowns. The hadith of the coronation is one in which the Prophet (peace be upon...
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Congratulating Ali at Ghadir Khumm

One of the most used and abused narrations that revolve around the events of Ghadir Khumm is the alleged congratulating of Ali bin Abi Talib after the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) speech. Usually, these fabricated narrations state that Omar goes to Ali to congratulate him f...
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Ayat Sa’ala Sa’ilun

Like the previous two articles on the topic, this verse is also supposedly related to Al-Ghadir. The narration of the reason of the revelation of verse (70:1): A man named Jabir or Al-Harith bin Al-Nadhr Al-Abdari came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said to him, “O’...
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Ayat Al-Tableegh

Al-Amini argues p. 423-446 that Allah revealed verse 5:67 about the appointment of Ali.  In brief, he argues that the verse, “O Messenger, deliver what was revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not delivered your message, and Allah protects you from the...
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