
Qais bin Thabit bin Shammas Al-Ansari: No chain is provided for the hadith of Qais bin Thabit.   Qais bin Sa’ad bin Ubada Al-Ansari: The narration of Qais bin Sa’ad can be found in two sources. The first is Kitab Sulaym, which is not reliable by Sunni or Shia standards. The...
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Amir bin ‘Umair Al-Numairi: The narration of Amir only comes through Ibn Uqda who narrates from Al-Munthir bin Jayfar and Musa bin Aktal who are both anonymous. Ibn Uqda himself is problematic enough. Refer to his biography in Mizan Al-I’itidal.   Amir bin Layla bin Dhamra:...
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Talha bin Ubaidullah: The narration of Talha comes through two paths. The first path is through the narration of Hussain Al-Ashqar, who was weakened by many scholars including Al-Bukhari, Al-Zur’ah, Abu Hatim, and was accused of narrating a fabrications. See his biography in...
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Thabit bin Wadee’a Al-Ansari: There is only one report in which Thabit bin Wadee’a is mentioned. In the report, he is among those that Ali asks if they have heard the hadith of Ghadir. Thabit is one of those that affirms that he did. However, the chain includes mostly anonymous...
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Dhumaira Al-Asadi: The narration of Dhumaira Al-Asadi comes through his grandson Al-Hussain bin Abdullah bin Dhumaira. However, he is a liar and was accused of fabricating by Malik and Abu Hatim Al-Razi. See Mizan Al-I’itadal.
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Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqas: The narrations of Sa’ad are plenty. Below is a breakdown of those chains. The most authentic narration is the hadith of Ayman Al-Makki from Sa’ad which can be found in Khasa’is Al-Nasa’ee. The narration of Abdul Rahman bin Sabit seems solid, however, he did...
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Al-Zubair bin Al-Awwam: No chains are provided of him reporting hadith Al-Ghadir.   Zaid bin Arqam: The narration of Zaid bin Arqam is without a doubt an authentic narration. A sign of this is the sheer amount of paths to him when he is not known to be one of the biggest...
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Rifa’a bin Abdul Munthir: No chain is provided for the report and therefore it cannot be relied upon.
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Khalid bin Al-Waleed: No chains have been provided for his narration and therefore cannot be relied upon.   Khuzaima bin Thabit: The hadith of Khuzaima bin Thabit comes through Asbagh bin Nubata. In the report, he is among those that Ali asks if they have heard the hadith of...
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Hubshi bin Junada: There are two routes that include Hubshi as a narrator. The first is the hadith in Al-Tabarani which comes through the path of Sulaiman bin Qarm who is weak. He has been weakened by Yahya, Abu Zur’ah, Abu Hatim, Al-Nasa’ee, Ibn Hibban, and Al-Hakim. The second...
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